A Glimpse at Guatemala, and Some Notes on the Ancient Monuments of Central America
LM Publishers
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A Glimpse at Guatemala

and Some Notes on the Ancient Monuments of Central America

LM Publishers

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782386260773
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Guatemala occupies a beautiful position in the middle of a broad plain,
surrounded on all sides by mountains and volcanoes. Hill after hill rises to
the north until the view is shut in by the distant Sierra Madre range. To the
south-east is a volcanic group crowned by the peaks of Pacaya, and above the
nearer hills to the south rise the giant cone of Agua and the triple craters
of Fuego.

The streets of the city are laid out at right angles, and they gain an
appearance of breadth from the lowness of the houses. Two-storied houses are
as scarce as earthquakes are frequent, and the long low lines of buildings are
broken only by the stumpy bell-towers and squat cupolas of the churches...

The Indians are for the most part carriers of vegetables and other produce
from the neighbouring villages, or merchants from a distance, who bring all
their merchandise on their backs packed in light wooden crates called
“cacastes.” The Indian women from the nearer hamlets also come burdened with
large bundles of clean linen which has been washed for the townsfolk, or
support baskets on their heads full of cakes and “pan dulce” for sale in the
market-place, and many carry an additional burden slung in a shawl over the
back, from which peeps out the quaint little face of an Indian baby. To judge
from the expression of their faces one would say that the Indians are a dull
and solemn race; but this impression vanishes when one hears their lively
chatter as they trot along under their burdens, for none but the most heavily
laden condescend to the slowness of a walk.
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