Ride the boss
Date de publication

Ride the boss


Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782491395469
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
Rick is the HR manager of Arizona, a Sydney-based romance publisher. Handsome
and seductive, he is every man's nightmare and every woman's dream. He is
addicted to gambling and regularly spills his fortune blindfolded. The trigger
was when the board of directors decided to update its rules concerning the
marital status of the managers. From now on, the position of director would
only be held by a married man. This news does not please our Don Juan, who is
immune to love affairs.

Lena is a draughtswoman and illustrator. She has no experience in the field.
But she has been looking for a vacant position for ages. Tired of depending on
a crazy sister, her life is going dark every minute. Depressed and shattered
by her family's opinions on her looks and career direction, she has a deadline
to leave her older sister's home; to learn to cope on her own, like a true
survivor. The clock is ticking.

After learning that his job is on the line, Rick decides to recruit Lena, who
is chosen on the spot. His condition: to be his wife for an indefinite period
of time, until things get back to normal. But Lena also wants to take
advantage of this: she sets her demands. Everything you need to manoeuvre a

A deal with the limits,

No feelings,

An indefinite period...
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